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Use of College Facilities 


Room Reservation 


1. Write a letter of request address to:


Prof. Fernando dlC. Paragas, PhD

Dean, College of Mass Communication


2. Fill up the room reservation form. Request should be submitted at least three working days before the scheduled activity.  


1. Room reservation form for registered CMC-based organization

2. Room reservation form for CMC offices, UP offices, and non registered  CMC-based organizations


3. Answer the google form (click here).


4. Submit the letter and room reservation form to the Office of the College Secretary at All communication regarding the submitted reservation will take place in one email thread until the transaction has been finalized. OCS may not be able to answer messages sent in a separate thread regarding the submitted reservation request. 

Use this format:

*SUBJECT: Request for use of room_(Name of organization)


*Please follow this format so we can easily track your application. 


MESSAGE us the following: 

Complete Name of Organization: 

Are you a registered CMC-based org? (Yes/No)

Name of Adviser: 

Requested by: (Complete Name)

Student Number, if student: 

Degree Program, if student:


4. The OCS staff will process your request. If your request is approved by the college, you must claim the approval form at the Office of the College Secretary. 


Use of CMC Facilities
Submission of Thesis and Dissertation


Updated Guidelines on the Submission of Theses and Dissertations

Approved by the CMC Faculty Assembly at its 27 May 2024 Regular Meeting, effective on 28 May 2024. 


The submission of theses and dissertations will basically follow the guidelines previously released by the CMC Office of the College Secretary (OCS). However, the following changes will take effect this 2nd semester AY 2023-2024:


I. On the types and recipients of copies to be submitted


  1. All students (BA, MA, and PhD) are required to submit digital and hard copies of their thesis/dissertation. 

  2. The digital copy will be submitted to the Office of the College Secretary (OCS) by the department for batch submission or the thesis/dissertation adviser for individual submission. The instructions for submission of the digital copy to the OCS are found in Attachment 1.

  3. The digital copy will be uploaded to the UP Diliman Digital Archives (Digital Archives@UPD) by the student. The instructions for uploading the digital copy to Digital Archives@UPD are found in Section III of this document. 

  4. The number of required hard copies of the thesis/dissertation is as follows:

a. For BA theses, only one hard copy is required to be submitted; this copy is for the CMC library. Undergraduate theses must be hardbound using maroon leatherette with gold lettering. The thesis adviser and the Dean should sign the hard copy. The student is responsible for securing the adviser’s signature. Once the thesis adviser has signed the copy, it should be submitted to the student’s home unit, which will forward the copy to the Dean’s office and the CMC Library. 


b. For MA theses, two hard copies are required to be submitted, one each for the CMC Library and the UP Diliman Main Library. Master’s theses must be hardbound using maroon leatherette with gold lettering.  All members of the thesis committee and the Dean should sign the hard copies. The student is responsible for securing signatures of the thesis committee members. Once the signatures are complete, the hard copies should be submitted to the Graduate Studies Department (GSD), which will forward the copies to the Dean’s office and the recipient libraries. 


c. For PhD dissertations, three hard copies are required to be submitted, one each for the CMC Library, UP Diliman Main Library, and National Library. Doctoral dissertations must be hardbound using black leatherette with gold lettering. All members of the dissertation committee and the Dean should sign the hard copies. The student is responsible for securing the signatures of the dissertation committee members. Once the signatures are complete, the hard copies should be submitted to the Graduate Studies Department (GSD), which will forward the copies to the Dean’s office and the recipient libraries. 


d. Additional printed copies may be prepared, should the student and/or the thesis adviser wish to keep a hard copy of the thesis/dissertation.


5. The deadline for submission of loose leaf theses and dissertations is at least one workweek before the last day for the submission of grades for graduating students to provide sufficient time for content and format checking, corrections and binding. For example, if the deadline for submission of grades is June 7, theses and dissertations must be approved for binding by the adviser before May 31.


II. On the format of the thesis/dissertation manuscript


All format guidelines specified in the CMC Guidebook for Theses and Dissertations (see Attachment 2), as well as format specifications set by the students’ respective home units, will still be followed. The only additional format specification that takes effect in the 2nd semester AY 2023-2024 is the addition of the UP seal watermark in the thesis/dissertation manuscript. Both hard and digital copies of the manuscript should have this watermark (see sample here).

See Attachment 3 for the instructions on the addition of the UP seal watermark in the thesis/dissertation manuscript.


III. On the uploading of the thesis/dissertation digital copy to Digital Archives@UPD


Digital Archives@UPD is the official institutional repository of UP Diliman. Through this repository, scholarly works of UP Diliman students and faculty are made accessible to a broader public, thereby increasing the potential for these works to be used for the benefit of the wider academic community and society in general. 


To reiterate, the uploading of the thesis/dissertation digital copy will be done by the student/author. At the same time, for purposes of submission to the OCS, the student should furnish their thesis/dissertation adviser with a digital copy of their manuscript.


Document preparation for uploading to Digital Archives@UPD


  1. All pages of the manuscript should have the UP seal watermark (see sample here).  See Attachment 3 for the instructions on how to add the UP seal watermark in the document.

  2. The document to be uploaded should be in made-readable (“OCRed”) PDF format. 

    • If MS Word was used to create the document, do not use the “Print to PDF” feature of MS Word; instead, convert your Word file using a Word-to-PDF converter available online. The UPD Main Library recommends using PDF4me ( 

    • If Google Docs was used to create the document, download it as PDF then convert the file to OCR PDF. The UPD Main Library recommends using PDF4me for the OCR conversion. 

  3. The file size should not exceed 200MB. Compress the file using the “Compress PDF” tool if needed.

  4. Split the document into three files as follows:

    • File 1 is for the pages with restricted information. For CMC theses/dissertations, these are the pages from the Title Page up to the page before the Abstract. This file should be named LastnameFirstname.Approval Page (Ex: CruzMariaAurora.Approval Page.pdf)

    •  File 2 is for the preliminary pages of the manuscript, namely, the Abstract, Table of Contents, List of Tables, and other parts of the thesis /dissertation that are not part of the main text. This file should be named LastnameFirstname.Preliminary Pages.

    • File 3 is for the main body of the manuscript, which includes the actual text of the thesis /dissertation, the bibliography/ list of references, and the annexes or appendices. This file should be named LastnameFirstname.Main Body


Uploading the thesis/dissertation to Digital Archives@UPD​


  1. Log on to the Digital Archives@UPD:

  2. Click “Deposit Your Work”.

  3. Follow the steps for Item Submission. 

The thesis/dissertation classification is already indicated in the Permission Page of the thesis/dissertation manuscript. Theses and dissertations are classified into four:

  • F – for regular works, i.e., the thesis/dissertation has no patentable invention or creation, the author has no plans for publication, and/or the work does not contain confidential information

  • I – the thesis/dissertation has patentable or registrable invention or creation

  • P – the author wishes to publish the thesis/dissertation or derivative works from the original manuscript

  • C – the thesis/dissertation contains confidential information about a third party

4. The CMC Library will process the submission for 1-2 days. Once the submission is approved, the thesis/dissertation will be available for viewing on the DA@UPD’s “Theses and Dissertations” page. The student should get the screenshot of the verified submission (see sample here) and send a copy of this page to the thesis/dissertation adviser. This proof of “Verified” status is one of the requirements before the student could be given a grade for the thesis/dissertation course.






I.  Good Scholastic Standing for Undergraduate Students

Approved by the CMC Faculty Assembly at its 27 March 2023 Regular Meeting. 


According to the university catalogue:

A student is in good scholastic standing if at the end of the semester s/he[/they] obtains a final grade of “3” or higher in at least 75% of the total number of academic units in which s/he is registered. However, colleges/ units may impose additional rules on good scholastic standing such as a minimum grade average or required number of units passed per semester/year.  (UP General Catalogue 2014, Academic Unit Requirements, p. 40.)​


In implementing this university rule, the CMC defines good scholastic standing if the student:


1.Maintains a regular load of at least 15 units per semester, unless the lighter load was due to justifiable causes, such as health reasons, the unavailability of courses needed in the curriculum to complete the full load, there are no more courses that can be taken based on the curriculum, or the fact that the candidate is a working student or enrolled in a foreign university as a cross-registered student. [from Art. 414; amended at 1352nd BOR Meeting, July 30, 2020]


2. Meets the general weighted average (GWA) retention policy of his/her/their program which is:

a. BA Broadcast Media Arts and Studies: Follows the University rule on good scholastic standing

b. BA Communication Research: 2.25 or better in the last semester

c. BA Film: 2.25 or better in the last semester

d. BA Journalism: 2.25 or better in the last semester in all journalism courses


3. Meets the  university rule of at least 75% minimum number of units passed per semester.​


4. Has not incurred a grade of 4.0 or  5.0 in any subject matriculated, except for P.E. and NSTP, in  the last semester.




II. Retention Policies for Graduate Programs


For MA programs (MA Communication, MA Journalism, MA Media Studies (Broadcast), and MA Media Studies (Film) - A student: 

a. Must earn a grade of 2.0 or better in each course that s/he is enrolled in a given semester

b. Must maintain a Cumulative Weighted Average of 2.0 or better at the end of each semester until completion of the program

c. Will get a WARNING if s/he unable to satisfy the grade requirements

d. Will be DISQUALIFIED from the program if s/he is not able to improve his/her grades the following semester. 


For PhD programs (PhD Communication and PhD Media Studies) - A student: 

a. Must earn a grade of 1.75 or better in each course that s/he is enrolled in a given semester

b. Must maintain a Cumulative Weighted Average of 1.75 or better at the end of each semester until completion of the program

c. Will get a WARNING if s/he unable to satisfy the grade requirements

d. Will be DISQUALIFIED from the program if s/he is not able to improve his/her grades the following semester. 



III. CMC Policy on the Removal of INC and 4.0

Approved by the CMC Faculty Assembly at its 27 March 2023 Regular Meeting. â€‹


1. If the faculty allows a student to complete/ remove an INC or 4.0 incurred in the current semester for a course that is a prerequisite to a higher course that the student needs to take in the next semester, the completion grade MUST be submitted a day before the first day of registration.


2. If the INC or 4.0 is incurred in a previous semester but will be completed within the completion period, the last day of classes of the current semester will be the last day of submission of requirements for grade completion.


3. To be able to complete/ remove an INC or 4.0, the student should present the completion form (UP Form 25) certified by the Office of the College Secretary. The STUDENT should submit the form at the Office of the College Secretary at least five days before the scheduled examination/ date of completion. 




III. CMC Policy on Heavier Load

Approved by the CEB on 30 January 2012; Revised and affirmed by the CEB on 27 March 2023. Approved by the CMC Faculty Assembly at its 27 March 2023 Regular Meeting. 


The university catalogue states:

“For undergraduate students, the maximum academic load is 18 non-laboratory units, or 21 units including laboratory, except in programs where the prescribed load for the semester is more than 18 units. However, graduating students with very good academic records may be permitted to carry a heavier load in their last year. (UP General Catalogue 2004-2010, Academic Unit Requirements, p. 13.).”



In implementing this university rule, the CMC considers that “students with very good academic records” are students:


1) with a CWA of 2.0 or better (for all courses taken in the previous semesters);

2) with no deficiencies at the time of request to overload;

3) who have never been declared on probation;

4) who are in their last semester at the time of request to overload; and

5) who have passed their 199.



Moreover, the CMC considers that “heavier load” means a maximum load of 24 units in their last semester.



In the event that a student seeking permission to take the maximum load through an addition or change matriculation, s/he/they must always present his/her/their Form 5 and Checklist to her/his adviser. The adviser shall not sign any add-mat or change-mat form without these documents.




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